Sunday, June 5, 2011

Starting a Project

I have started so, so, so many projects and just never gotten around to finishing them.  Confession time: I have two full bins in my closet filled with half-knitted scarves, partially-sewn dresses, and cross stitching so far gone that I've lost the thread that goes to the pattern.

They aren't all in there because they were bad or boring or coming out wrong.  They just fell to the wayside as they are wont to do.  But not anymore.  I vow to finish the unfinished projects, learn the stitches that I never bothered to, and be more patient with the brilliant creative ideas that turn out to be less amazing than originally planned.  I will stop using bad shortcuts that end up taking far more time then was worth it.  And I will find new, fun ways to get outside the pre-packaged kit.

Starting with a few scarves that have been stuffed into the bottom of a packing box.

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