You need just a few craft store items:
Leather scraps (I bought a bag of scrap suede for about $5)
Ribbon or cord
Blow dryer
Craft sealer paint or spray (optional)
And you can make this project in about a half an hour or less. (Plus drying time)
Step 1: Cut a piece of leather a bit bigger than you want the finished product to be.
I made mine an eyepatch sort of style, so I cut a triangle, about 2x3 inches.
Step 2: Cut any embellishments you want.
For instance, I curved the sides in and cut some spikey sorts of designs on one side. For extra guidance, draw cut lines on the back if needed.
Step 3: Wet the leather, just a little. Pat off any excess water, and lay the leather across your face where you will want it to sit. Gently press it to form to the curves of your features.
I also chose to curve some of the edges up for style.
Step 4: **VERY CAREFULLY** blow dry the leather, while it is still on your face. Use the lowest heat you can, and take your time, making absolutely sure not to leave too much heat pointed at your eye for a long time. I cannot stress this enough! Do not burn yourself!
Step 5: Cut the eye hole. Again, if you need to, draw a cutting line on first, or have a friend help you gently outline your eye for the correct placement.
Step 6: **If you want a mask you can see through, skip this step** Cut a second, smaller piece of leather, of a different color, and form just to your eye with the water and heat method above. Glue it in place on the back of the eye hole of your main mask.
It is difficult to see in this picture, but the eye hole has a light tan piece behind it. This mask is for a villainous sort of character, and supposed to be a bit on the creepy side. I thought the light eye socket would do it.
Step 7: Wait for the leather to dry completely. String an elastic or cord onto it, and you are done!
Optional: You can also choose to paint the front of the mask with a craft sealer for better hold and molding. You can paint or decorate the leather however you desire. For comfort, you can also glue felt to the back of the mask. Go to town! Have fun! And if you really don't want to make one yourself, check some out in my Etsy shop - coming soon!
In the meantime, craft on, internet friends!
Lauren, Great suggestions and ideas.